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Intellectual property vouchers for SMEs - how to get 50% reimbursement of trademark/design application costs
Starting January 11, 2021. The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), together with the European Commission, has launched a call for applications under The Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund program, which aims to support European small and medium-sized entrepreneurs (SMEs) in accessing intellectual property rights. Under the program, SMEs can apply for a grant [...]

Why do we need an industrial design? - case study on pan-European security claims for product design protection
Based on the case study from our intellectual property protection practice, we explain how to secure claims concerning Community designs in the territory of the European Union and how to use EU law instruments in effective protection of product design.  LSW recently represented a Client who is one of the largest manufacturers of household appliances [...]

Trademarks in computer game
Profits from computer games and e-gaming over the last decade are so high that many investors do not hesitate to place their capital in this sector. No wonder that games producers tend to exploit them to the greatest possible extent, protecting game titles and other characteristic elements as registered trademarks. Registration of game titles as [...]

John Lemon vs. John Lennon – Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can?
Recently the media was particularly interested in the case of Katowice-based company ‘John Lemon’, which was sued by Yoko Ono Lennon in a Dutch court of law. The musician’s widow accused the company of violating her personal rights and the ‘John Lennon’ trade mark rights. However, the case was not resolved by the court, because [...]

“J'adore” vs. “A Adoration” — a privileged status of reputable trademarks[1]’ owners
The idea to share some reflections on the concept of reputation of a trademark and the status of reputable trademarks was inspired by the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court in June (Ref. II GSK 2782/15). It concerned the refusal of the Polish Patent Office to recognize the opposition of Parfums Christian Dior from Paris [...]

Record in Polish cinemas: the most popular movies of 2016.
Polish cinemas sold almost 52 million tickets last year, a record for the decade! Polish productions were chosen by 13 million people, and the most watched film was Pitbull. Dangerous Women (Pitbull. Niebezpieczne kobiety) And since the film industry is especially close to us, we will take a look at the last year’s  “box office,” [...]

Dear journalists, the freedom of speech has its limits!
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued a judgment in the case of Dorota Kania v. Poland, which confirms that journalists must assume responsibility for their words and cannot hide behind the freedom of speech. Especially when they abuse it. In the judgment handed down on 4 October 2016 (application No 44436/13), the ECHR [...]

Transfers under special supervision
The judgment of the Court of Justice of 6 October 2015 (case No C-362/14) has caused a real storm. It annulled the European Commission’s decision in relation to the Safe Harbor program. As a result of consultations between the EU and the U.S.A., it was established that the program would be replaced by the Privacy [...]

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