At the request of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland we would like to call your attention to two competitions organized by the Office:
3rd edition of the competition on media coverage regarding intellectual property protection issues, addressed to authors publishing in press, radio, TV and electronic media. Competition works must be submitted by September 15, 2015. From among the submitted works the competition board will single out the best 5, and their authors will be granted five equivalent prizes in the amount of 5.000 PLN (gross) each. Detailed information:
3rd edition of the competition on a short film promoting intellectual property protection. The film may be shot in digital video, by cell phone or photo camera, may combine film image with animation or may be fully animated. Competition works must be delivered to the premises of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland by September 15, 2015. From among the submitted works the jury will single out three prizewinners who will be granted financial rewards. Detailed information: