We cordially invite you to Łódź, for a conference on Human-Centered Design, which will take place on 10 & 11 October, where we will discuss innovation in various fields linked by the single concept – human centered. LSW will also be present at the WCFA Davos in Łódź. We are not the only speakers at the conference but also the strategic legal partner of the event.
The World Communication Forum Association Davos (WCFA) takes place in Poland for the first time. It is organized by the international organization WCFA based in Switzerland, whose members are world authorities in the fields related to communications and PR. The Polish edition of the conference will be devoted to issues related to Human-Centered Design. In this concept, the starting point for designing innovation is the human and his needs. It assumes designing and implementing solutions, primarily in the fields of IT that are responsible for unconscious human needs, identified through observations and study of the human behavior.
The conference in Łódź will last two days and will be divided into 10 thematic sections, corresponding to the issues around which human attention focuses. They will be as follows: HEALTH, KNOWLEDGE, EATING, SOCIAL, MONEY, ENTERTAINMENT, TECHNOLOGY, URBAN TISSUE, TRANSPORT AND DELIVERING, CITIES AND REGIONS. The conference will be attended by Polish and international experts representing companies and institutions whose activities focus on the implementation of the idea of the Human-Centered Design. Among them will be: Jenn Maer of IDEO, the company famous for solutions involving Human-Centered Design, which first created such a way of doing business. The highlight will be Franky Saegerman, Head of Digital Insight at NATO. A special guest will be Willy Lai, who has user experience gained at the largest companies in the world, currently employed by a company recognized as an innovation icon in the Silicon Valley. Maciej Kubiak – a partner at LSW – will also present and will lead a panel discussion at the conference titled “Future of innovation – intellectual property, business, science and technology.”
What will he be talking about? In short, he will give insight into the characteristics of the Polish environment of innovative companies and enterprises and the challenges facing them. He will also talk about the role of innovation played by intellectual property. Together with other panelists, he will reflect on the relationship between business and science, on the future of innovation and cooperation of start-ups with investors. Among the panelists there will be Professor Izabella Grzegory – Director of the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Magdalena Jabłońska – COO – MIT Enterprise Forum Poland, Fundacja Przedsiębiorczości Technologicznej, and Krzysztof Jakubczask – CEO – Perspectiva Solutions.
The introduction to the panel will deal with the future of analytic operations on large data sets (big data) – also in the context of the Internet of Things, the values of which in the EU, as expected, in 2020, will exceed a trillion euros, as well as the development of technology in the context of robotics, artificial intelligence and augmented reality. Nowadays, IT environment seems to be changing the reality to the greatest extent – and this is done precisely under the “Human-Centered Design – Innovation for the people” motto.
On behalf of the World Communication Forum Davos, the conference is organized by The Story agency – a company dedicated to designing and implementing innovation. The co-organizer of the event is the city of Łódź, and its strategic legal partner is our law firm – LSW Leśnodorski Ślusarek i Wspólnicy.
For more information, please visit http://www.davoslodz.com/. A detailed agenda can be found on http://www.forumdavos.com/regional/18
See you in Łódź! We welcome you to join us.