‘In this world, only death and taxes are certain’ – so it is no surprise that taxes also affect and concern intellectual property law in the broadest sense and the business that deals with it daily. Starting today, we will be writing about this on our Blog. We will try to introduce you in an exciting and accessible way to the most critical issues at the interface of tax and IP, as well as possible reliefs or solutions, and we will draw your attention to practical problems in applying tax law.
Initially, we will write under the hashtags #Tax deductions, #Foundations, and #Digital tax. If new regulations may affect your business, we will tag them with the hashtag #Tax alert.
Polish law (contrary to appearances) offers entrepreneurs several tax breaks, incentives, or other forms of support, and, in our opinion, many of them are worth examining. Some are more popular, others less so, some are simpler to introduce and account for, and others are quite the opposite. They also differ in the objectives they aim to achieve.
Simplifying, among the most interesting reliefs are those concerning innovation and new technologies (R&D relief, IP-Box relief, Prototype relief, Robotisation relief, or Innovative Workers Support relief) and those concerning expansion and development (Estonian CIT, IPO relief, Venture Capital relief, Consolidation relief or Expansion relief).